2003 word headers different first page
2003 word headers different first page

2003 word headers different first page 2003 word headers different first page

If your letterhead is across the top margin of the first page, what you essentially need to do is provide a way for the margins to be different on the first page then it is on subsequent pages of your document. If your letterhead is across the top margin of the first page, then you will take a different approach than if your letterhead is along the entire left margin of the first page. The best way to go about this task depends on the orientation of your letterhead. If you do this, you may be wondering about the best way to format a document that can then be used as letterhead template. Many companies use preprinted letterhead for the first sheet of a letter and then regular paper for subsequent sheets.

2003 word headers different first page

One of the common tasks people perform in Word is to write letters.

2003 word headers different first page